Get 10% off if you buy Samsung S8 from daraz. This set come with brand warranty with credential coverage.
- bilu
- 06/06/2017
- 1°
Get a new Samsung phone at incredible prices only at Metro Cash & Carry. Save Rs.90,00 on Samsung Galaxy A3.
These are also discounts on Changhong's LED TV, Samsung Galaxy mobiles and Homage Washing Machines this last week.
Expiry: 09/12/2015
- aati
- 05/12/2015
- 2°
Be Our Member & Get 4% Discount at all Samsung Galaxy Smartphones & 20 Percent Discount on Genuine Accessories By Samsung.
About Us:
- Samsung Outlet ...
- 16/11/2015
- 0°
- (1)
Answer following simple question and get a chance to win Samsung Galaxy A series mobile.
Click 'go to competition' button and answer the question at their facebook page.
Hyperstar is offering free 16GB SD card on purchase of Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Mobile.
Please see below the mobile specification:
- Quad Core 1.2 GHz
- Android OS V4.4.4
- Camera 8GB, Front Camera 5GB
- 1 year Warranty
- aati
- 15/02/2015
- 0°