
Villa Deals

Villa Deals Price & Order Menu 2025
Villa Iftar Cum Dinner Buffet Deal Rs. 2,425+tax / Sehri Buffet Rs. 1,925+tax

Iftar Cum Dinner Buffet - 6:00pm till 8:00pm - Rs. 2,425+tax
Grand Dinner Buffet - Served in two slots (8:15 tlll 11:30pm) - Rs. 2,175+
Sehri Buffet - Served in two slots (12:15am till 3:30am) - Rs. 1,925+

Bookings & Reservations: 0304 1110852

Villa The Grand Buffet - Iftar Cum Differ Buffet Just Rs. 1,950+ tax

The blessed month of Ramadan is here, experience the Ramadan Buffet experience at Villa The Grand Buffet!

Iftar Cum Differ Buffet - 6:00pm till 8:00pm - Rs. 1,950+ tax
Iftar Cum Differ Buffet - Served in two slots (8:15 till 11:30pm) - Rs. 1,650+ tax
Sehri Buffet - Served in two slots (12:15am till 3:30am) - Rs. 1,495+tax

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Villa The Grand Buffet

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